Eagle Creek Elementary School
Public K-5 School
Arlington School District No.16
Arlington, WA
Third Grade
Classroom Study
Pre and Post-Tests
Program Evaluation Tools
Daily practice from January 6, 2021 to March 1, 2021
Program Timeline
Study Focus: How kinesthetic learning strategies can help ease educational challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic
The City of Arlington and Community Foundation of Snohomish County awarded funding to a third grade classroom to participate in the Moving & Learning Classrooms Program. The Moving & Learning Classrooms Program supplied K-5 elementary school classrooms with kinesthetic learning materials and professional training to combat the difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program was sponsored by the National Math Foundation.
In early 2021, the program provided Ms. Amy Egan and her third grade class at Eagle Creek Elementary School with training, materials, and virtual math intervention sessions. Ms. Egan’s class of 18 students participated in the program from January 6, 2021 to March 1, 2021.
Over the course of the program, Math & Movement Founder and CEO, Suzy Koontz, held 30-minute live, virtual sessions weekly with the class. Suzy led the class in active math movements to help the students practice skip counting.
Additionally, Suzy instructed Ms. Egan and the students on how to use the Math & Movement Skip Counting by 3s floor mat to solve multiplication problems. Throughout the school day, Ms. Egan incorporated the mats into their lessons.
Watch how the students interacted with Suzy during one virtual session below.
At the start of the program, on January 6th, the students took a pre-test, before they started participating in movement-based activities. One month later, on February 1st, students took a post-test after a practice session with Suzy. The Skip Counting by 3s mat was available for students to hop on and use while solving problems. Another month later, on March 1st, students took their final post-test. The Skip Counting by 3s mat was not set out.
The students greatly improved their post-test scores from their pre-test scores after engaging in kinesthetic learning strategies from Math & Movement.
The class only had an average pre-test score of 51% on multiplication by 3s. This raised significant concerns regarding the third graders' understanding of multiplication.
The study was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic when social distancing measures were in place. Students were likely experiencing increased physical and emotional stress. Most students were also struggling to catch up after spending months doing remote or hybrid school.
The study was conducted in 2021, before the full-extent of learning loss for students due the COVID-19 pandemic was known.
Students increased their one month post-test scores by an average of 93% from their pre-test scores. (Students were able to use the Skip Counting by 3s mat during this post-test.)
Students increased their two month post-test scores by an average of 63% from their pre-test scores. (Students were not able to use the Skip Counting by 3s mat or any other reference during this post-test.)
Students scored well on the two month post-test without having the Skip Counting by 3s mat to reference. This indicates that they retained what they learned during the program.
Average Test Scores for Class
No Data Found
Individual Student Scores
No Data Found
Missing column information indicates that the student was absent.
How the Students Felt About The Program
“Dear City of Arlington, Thank you so much for the grant money you gave us. It was very generous of you. I enjoyed jumping on the mats and when I was first introduced to multiplication I felt overwhelmed and that it was too hard. But when I jumped on the mat, it made it feel easy. Now, thanks to you, I can pass my times 7 test. I also am no longer stressed out when I take a test. – Brooklyn”