Doubles Hopscotch

Practice addition with this hopscotch mat. Addition facts include 1+1, 2+2, all the way to 10+10.

Kindergarten - Grade 2

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    1. Count With Your Fingers 1-10

      Have students hop through the mat using their fingers to help them count. Students will hop on the first 2 boxes and put up fingers on each hand of the...
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    2. Let’s Draw!

      Have students draw a picture to demonstrate one of the equations on the mat. Place all pictures in a basket and pull one picture out at a time and show...
      Grade 1, Grade 2
    3. Block Addition

      Have a student start at the beginning of the mat with a basket of blocks. Students will sit down in front of the first equation. They will place the number...
      Grade 1, Grade 2
    4. Stomp The Equation

      Students will stand at the beginning of the mat. The teacher will call out an answer to a doubles addition problem. The student will then hop through the mat and...
      Grade 1, Grade 2
    5. Stomp The Answer

      Students will stand at the beginning of the mat. The teacher will call out a doubles addition problem. Students will hop through the mat and stomp on the correct answer....
      Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2
    6. Hop Through Addition

      Have students start on the ‘start here’ box. Students will jump through the mat alternating between 2 and 1 feet as they hop. Students will say aloud the addition problem...
      Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2