Function Hop

This is the Function Hop mat. This mat aids in solving functions. It is setup to let teachers/students pick the value of x and to write a function on a notecard and place it on the designated spot at the top of the y=f(x) column. Students solve the functions and place their answer on a notecard in the right column.

Grade 8

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    1. Make an Equation

      Give students a Y intercept and slope and have them write the equation it makes on cards and place on the mat.
      Grade 8
    2. Y Intercept Formula

      Write several functions in Y Intercept form. Ask students what the Y intercept and slope are for each equation.
      Grade 8
    3. Quadratic Equations

      Write several quadratic equations on index cards and place on the f(x) box. Have students factor each and determine the two x values that solve the equation.
      Grade 8
    4. Functional Notation

      Write several functions on notecards and have students roll a dice to find a value of x and then have them evaluate each function based on that value. Function examples:...
      Grade 8
    5. Evaluating Functions

      Place a function notecard at the top of the y=f(x) column. On different cards write various values for the x column that include x. Then have students replace x with...
      Grade 8
    6. Range Finder

      Find the range of a given function. Write a function on a notecard and have students answer what the range would be. Function examples: f(x)=Square root of (5-x), f(x)=1/x, f(x)=2,...
      Grade 8
    7. Domain Finder

      Find the domain of a given function. Write a function on a notecard and have students answer what the domain would be. Function examples: f(x)=Square root of (5-x), f(x)=1/x, f(x)=2,...
      Grade 8
    8. Function Genius

      On note cards, write numbers (for x column) and several different functions. Place a function notecard at the top of the y=f(x) column. Students will solve the functions for y...
      Grade 8