Math & Movement and ESSER

What is the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER)?

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) passed on March 11, 2021, and has provided $122.7 billion in supplemental ESSER funding (known as the ESSER III) for districts across the country to claim.

School districts must reserve no less than 20% of its ESSER III allocation to address the academic impact of lost instructional time through the implementation of evidence-based interventions. Many districts have yet to finalize how these ARP funds will be spent to accelerate student learning and bridge the learning gap created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

How Math & Movement Fits ESSER and its Requirements

Allowable Uses Math & Movement Program Solutions Key Points

Summer Learning or Enrichment

Make it a Math & Movement Summer

  • 4-6 week summer learning program; includes kinesthetic, play-based resources and materials + PD training for teachers and program activity games for students.

Fun and flexible programming. Can be customized to fit your school’s summer program agenda.

Extended Day

Math & Movement Comprehensive Package

  • This comprehensive program will help your school meet math and physical education achievement goals, speed up the learning of math facts, maximize learning readiness, reach kinesthetic learners, support mastery learning, and combat obesity. 
    • Includes training for teachers and staff plus top Math & Movement program materials for K-6th grade (package can be customized to fit your grade levels).

Movement-based programming for before and after school. Helps boost students’ mood before the school day and helps them unwind after school.

Comprehensive After School Programs

Math & Movement After School Program & Package

  • Package includes training for after-school instructors and kinesthetic resources for students that teach core math concepts and can be used for fun math games and to solve homework problems.

Helps boost student confidence after school using fun movement-based learning games.

Extended School Year Programs

Math & Movement Comprehensive Package

  • This comprehensive program will help your school meet math and physical education achievement goals, speed up the learning of math facts, maximize learning readiness, reach kinesthetic learners, support mastery learning, and combat obesity. 
    • Includes training for teachers and staff plus top Math & Movement program materials for K-6th grade (package can be customized to fit your grade levels).

Helps students create a solid and lasting foundation of math and reading comprehension to combat learning loss. (Movement and literacy package available to boost literacy skills)

Evidence-Based High Dosage Tutoring

Moving & Learning Families

  • Virtual math intervention sessions for students and their families


Moving & Learning Classrooms

  • Virtual and/or in-person math/literacy intervention program for classrooms



  • 1-hour sessions for students and families on core math concepts. Each student receives a take-home math sticker on grade-specific core math concepts.

Helps foster student confidence, increase parental engagement, promote independent learning, and overcome academic challenges.

Full-Service Community Schools

Family Fun Nights (in-person) 

  • 1-hour event for families and 1.5 hour training/setup for community volunteers; includes over 40 different math stations; perfect event to bring the whole community together to boost literacy and math skills. 


Family Fun Night Kits

  • Mix and match top math and literacy materials to build your Family Fun Night Kit. 


Virtual Family Fun Night

  • School-wide event perfect for grades k-2 and 3-5. Each grade level gets a grade-specific take-home sticker. 

Provide resources and opportunities for community engagement with Family Fun Nights.

Mental Health Services and Supports

Positive Affirmation Stickers

  • Customizable stickers for school hallways, bathroom mirrors, and classroom windows. Helps to boost students’ confidence, positive thinking, and self-image. 


ACEs, Trauma, and Learning Course

  • 6 week virtual training for educators in ACEs, brain-science, and trauma-informed instruction. 


Virtual Training for School Counselors in Movement-based Learning

  • Training for school counselors in movement-based learning and best practices to incorporate into student sessions and throughout the school day. 

Provide teachers and school staff with the resources they need to incorporate trauma-informed instruction.

Adoption or integration of social-emotional learning into the core curriculum/school day

ACEs, Trauma, and Learning Course

  • 6 week virtual training for educators in ACEs, brain-science, and trauma-informed instruction. 


Sensory Hallways

  • Create a school environment where every student feels safe and confident in themselves using movement-based learning materials and social-emotionally-focused messaging. Sensory Hallways are also tailored to fit grade-specific math and literacy concepts. 


Stair Risers

  • Decorate your school’s hallways with colorful patterns for multiplication, fractions, positive affirmations, school spirit, and more!


Positive Affirmations

  • Customizable stickers for school hallways, bathroom mirrors, and classroom windows. Helps to boost students’ confidence, positive thinking, and self-image.

Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to boost achievement. Help students learn ways to regulate mood and emotions. And use their interpersonal skills to promote positive relationships with classmates. Demonstrate decision-making skills and independence with tasks.

Eagle Creek students using our mats

How to Get Started

  • Talk with your school administrator or curriculum director about their 2022 learning goals and how your district will be using the 20% of ARP ESSER funds to accelerate student learning.
  • Share with your administration how Math & Movement programming can be implemented using ARP ESSER funds. (Please see the chart above to match your goals!)
  • Reach out to a Math & Movement team member for a quote or to learn more about the specific program(s) and how they fit into your school’s ESSER goals. Find a time to speak with a team member here.
Student participating in mathathon
overcoming math anxiety feelings in the myth of i'm bad at avoidance in elementary students
Classrooms Program 3

For detailed information about APR ESSER III funding and how much your district will be receiving for the 2021-2022 school year, please visit the National Math Foundation’s website.

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