Free 1 Hour Virtual PD

Kinesthetic Strategies to Improve Math Outcomes​ Virtual PD Session

Are you looking for engaging professional development for your teachers? Schedule a free  1-hour virtual session on movement-based learning.

Minimum of 20 teachers

Teacher workshop image of 3 teachers

Virtual PD Details

Kinesthetic Strategies to Improve Math Outcomes

This interactive presentation offers kinesthetic strategies that support the modules, build number sense and critical thinking, and increase a student’s fluency and ability to focus and understand. All participants will receive the Math & Movement Training Manual e-book.

Attendees will receive a 1-hour professional development certificate (to be approved by your district for continuing education credit). The Math & Movement program is aligned to most state standards and linked to the common core. Includes up to 100 participants (100 devices).

Download our informational flyer.


Target Audience: Educators and Parents of PreK-5th grade students

Minimum Number of Participants: 20

All participants will receive:

  • A copy of the Math & Movement Training Manual (e-book)
  • 1-hour PD certificate (to be approved by the district administration for credit)


Review Presentation Slides: If you would like to review the presentation slides before the event. Please email us at here.

Benefits of Exercise

Discover the many ways that exercise can benefit learning and increase retention.

Meet State Standards

Math & Movement is aligned with many state standards and can help students increase test scores.

Add Math Practice

Learn easy-to-apply and powerful techniques for adding extra math practice into classroom and Physical Education lessons.

Brain Break Ideas

Train your students to develop their own Math & Movement exercises and active math movements.

Why Would This Benefit You?

We understand the challenges of coming up with new ways to present materials. We want to present you with new content and ideas that you can use in your classroom, online, or during home instruction.

You will learn new strategies for increasing student engagement, making math fun, teaching kinesthetic learners, building number sense, and bringing the joy of learning back into the classroom!

Looking to Add More Movement?

Add materials for K-2 and 3-6 teachers to your training!

  • Pre-K – 2nd Grade educators will receive a Skip Counting By 2s Mat ($95 per participant)
  • 3rd – 5th Grade educators will receive a Skip Counting By 3s Mat ($95 per participant)

Please note that the 2s and 3s mats are normally $175! However, by pairing materials with a 1-hour movement-based learning webinar, you will receive a discount of over 50%!

Materials can be shipped directly to participants or to the participating school to hand out to webinar attendees. Learn more here! If you would like to place an order via purchase order please click the purchase order at checkout or email order requests to

math teacher ambassador programs

Attendee Reviews

View more trainings on our full event calendar. 

Hello! Have a question?

Please leave your email and a quick note for us. We will get back to you soon! In the meantime, here are answers to some of our most common questions:

Training Manual

Wait! Don't Leave Without Your Free Copy of Our Training Manual!

Enter your email to get our training manual with over 250 active math movements. No materials necessary!