Auburn Fourth Graders Improve Multiplication Skills in One Hour

  • Auburn Enlarged City School District

    Public Elementary School
    Auburn, NY

  • 13 Students

    Fourth Grade

  • Pre and Post-Tests

    Program Evaluation Tools

  • One Hour

    Program Timeline

Study Focus: The effectiveness of one hour of kinesthetic strategies on fourth graders' multiplication by 6s fluency

This short study sought to determine the effectiveness of the Math & Movement program after one hour of its incorporation into Auburn Enlarged City School District’s math curriculum. 13 fourth-grade students participated in November 2022.

The pre- and post-tests for this study were identical and contained 25 multiplication by 6s problems. For both tests, students had one minute to solve as many problems as possible.

First, students took the pre-test. Then, they worked for 55 minutes on skip counting and multiplication by 6s with Math & Movement activities and the Skip Counting by 6s Mat. Finally, they took the post-test.

Students scored an average of 21% on their pre-tests. On their post-tests, students scored an average of 44%. This is a 23% point increase or a 110% improvement overall

On average, students’ post-test scores were twice as much as their pre-test scores. This vast improvement in just one hour underscores Math & Movement’s transformative impact on learning efficiency


  • At the beginning of the study, students scored an average of 21% on their multiplication by 6s pre-test. This rose significant concerns as students entering fourth grade should know all multiplication facts up to 12x12.


  • Math & Movement Skip Counting by 6s floor mat


  • After using Math & Movement strategies for only one hour, students made significant gains from an average pre-test score of 21% to an average post-test score of 44%. This is a 23% point increase and an overall 110% improvement.

  • On average, students' post-test scores were two times higher than their pre-test scores.

  • The students were highly engaged in the kinesthetic activities.

Individual Student Data

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