Please email for any quote requests. We are in the process of updating our automatic website quote feature.

Math & Movement Catalog and Brochures

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Math & Movement Catalog: A Guide to Kinesthetic Learning

We want to make it easy for you to explore and shop for your favorite Math & Movement products. From exciting, new, products to your favorite, classic designs, our materials will transform your schools and classrooms into engaging learning spaces.

If viewing the catalog isn’t your preferred shopping experience, you can always filter our products on our main shop page!

Math & Movement Package Brochures

Looking for a larger grouping of products? Check out our packages! You can view the brochures online using the links below. We also have a few packages that do not have brochures yet, so be sure to view all of our packages for the latest information.

Math & Movement Brochure

Looking for more general information about our program for yourself or to share with an administrator? Download our general informational brochure below.

Hello! Have a question?

Please leave your email and a quick note for us. We will get back to you soon! In the meantime, here are answers to some of our most common questions:

→ Shipping is 10% of the order subtotal.

→Yes, we accept purchase orders! 

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