Grant Finder

Welcome to our Grant Finder! Besides the grants listed below, there may be others available for your school. We cover how to search for grants in our Grant Writing 101 Webinar. Sometimes the best grants to apply for are those within your school’s education foundation/local network. Always reach out to your school’s or district’s grant writer and administrators to learn about more grants available to your school.

Please note: The purpose of this grant finder is to help teachers and grant writers connect with possible grants. It is your responsibility to go to the grant organization’s website to receive the most up-to-date information and confirm that the budget, deadline, and eligibility still match your application/proposal. The grants listed below are funded by non-affiliated organizations. Please contact the funder directly for specific questions and eligibility requirements. Math & Movement does not provide these grants directly.

Want to include Math & Movement in your grant application? Visit the Grant Template page for grant writing tips and sample proposals for including our materials in your grants.


Grant Name


Dollar Amount



Costco Wholesale Donation and Grant

Grants and in-kind donations to USA nonprofit organizations in multiple states for programs in the areas of human services, health, education, and children. This program is open to organizations operating in communities where the funding source has a business presence. The committee makes decisions based on several factors, including: type of program; identified community need not otherwise available; indication that evidenced based data will establish measureable results of intended outcomes; community collaboration; broad base of financial support; project budget and operating expenses.




F.M. Kirby Foundation Grant

Funding will be provided for proposals that address any of the following areas: education, animals and the environment, health and medicine, human services, the arts and humanities, civic and public affairs, medical research, as well as religious, welfare, and youth.


Grants to USA nonprofit organizations for programs and projects that address a wide range of focus areas. Grantees are largely located in geographic areas of particular interest to five generations of Kirby family members and, in many cases, are organizations with which family members have been associated. Successful new applicants tend to be organizations already well known to one or more of the directors of the Foundation, and/or other members of the family.


Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation Direct Grants

Programs may fall in the areas of STEM education, especially nontraditional programs; the interaction between people, buildings, and the environment; and local community development. The Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation Direct Grants program supports nonprofit organizations in three major focus areas: Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Education, especially blue collar and non-traditional STEM programs.


Grants to USA nonprofits, IHEs, and secondary and elementary schools for programs in communities where the funding source does business.


Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Grant

Funding is intended to support efforts to expand learning opportunities and supports for children, particularly those from low‑and-moderate-income communities. The goal of these grants is to help all children, especially those in underserved communities, acquire the knowledge, skills, and behaviors they need to succeed in college, career pathways, and life. The Foundation prioritizes proposals that are in-line with the following goals: 1. Advancing Afterschool: The Foundation works to increase access to quality educational opportunities for all children, particularly those from low-income families and underserved communities. 2. Graduating High School College and Career Ready: The Foundation strives to increase high school graduation and college and career readiness outcomes for youth, particularly those in low-income communities. 4. Special Initiatives: The Foundation seeks to respond to new strategies, unique opportunities, and changing social, economic, and political contexts.


Grants to USA charitable, educational, and governmental organizations for programs and projects that promote education. The first step is to complete a letter of inquiry (LOI) form.


PNC Foundation Grow Up Great Grant

Grants to USA schools (PRE-K!) in multiple States for programs in the areas quality early childhood education, affordable housing, community development and revitalization, community services, and arts and culture. The PNC Foundation supports educational programs for children and youth, particularly early education initiatives that serve low-and moderate-income children (birth through age five), their teachers and families. Priority is given to programs that focus in the areas of math, science, the arts or financial education and include one or some combination of the following:-Direct services for children in their classroom or community-Professional development for teachers-Family engagement in the early education of children being served by grant - Volunteer opportunities for PNC employees


Organizations receiving support from the PNC Foundation must have an appropriate current Internal Revenue Service tax-exempt designation and be eligible to receive charitable contributions. In addition, the proposed activity must occur in a community where PNC has a significant presence.


Utah Credit UnionEducation Foundation

The School Grant is a one-time grant intended to supplement funding of specific, innovative, classroom-level programs being carried out primarily in schools with greater funding needs. This includes multi-class and school wide projects that impact individual classroom instruction.

Mini grants under $1,000, School and Major Project Grants over $1,000

public school teacher within the state of Utah, grades K-12.


Community Foundation for Muskegon County (CFMC)

Funding is intended for specific projects or programs including: program enhancement that meets curriculum guidelines, expanding an already existing unit, student awards, special events, professional development, artists in residence and parent involvement programs.

mini grants $200 to $250

All school district employees in Muskegon County are eligible to apply.

Muskegon County, MI

Teacher Professional DevelopmentGrant National Council for Teachers of Math: John Van de Walle Fund

The purpose of this grant is to support professional development to improve the competence in
the teaching of mathematics of one or more classroom teachers.

Maximum of $3,000

Pre-K-5 teachers that have 3+ years of teaching experience within Pre-K-5
The applicant must be a current (on the day of the application) Essential or Premium member of


Healthy Choices Grant (Texas): Level 1 and 2

Grants of up to $3,000 and grants of up to $5,000 to Texas nonprofit organizations, agencies, and schools for programs that promote healthy nutrition and physical activity for PreK-12 students. Funding is intended for programs that help to reduce obesity and encourage healthy habits for families, children, and communities in the state.

Level 1: $750 to $3,000Level 2: $3,000 to $5,000

Grants will be awarded to Texas non-profit organizations, agencies, and schools that demonstrate the greatest need and likelihood of a sustainable impact on children's nutrition and activity levels through innovative programs.


Tomberg Family Philanthropies

Focus areas for programs include health, the alleviation of poverty, the environment, and education.

from $5,000 to $15,000.

501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations based in the United States and certain government entities or public institutions in the United States such as public schools and universities.


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