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Greater Rochester Health Foundation Highlights Math & Movement

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Math & Movement is rapidly shifting lives all across the country. While we often focus on the academic gains that the program provides, that’s just part of the story. Today we are celebrating how Math & Movement provides huge leaps in health and wellness for students and teachers. It has such clear health benefits that a local New York health foundation, the Greater Rochester Health Foundation, created a video to tell area schools about Math & Movement.

Math & Movement gets kids and teachers moving…and laughing. It increases physical strength and flexibility and adds cardio-based exercise to participants’ regular schedules. The combination of movement, stretching, and laughter make a potent wellness combination. Together, they increase cardiovascular health and flexibility while decreasing stress levels.

To showcase their support of the wellness aspects of Math & Movement, the Greater Rochester Health Foundation created a video with a training overview, demonstrations with students, and interviews with satisfied teachers.

Do your students need a fun way to learn math and reading? Could your students and teachers benefit from more exercise and more laughter? Check out the video then reach out to us if you want help finding funding to bring Math & Movement to your school!


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