FREE Webinar for administrators

Active Minds, Active Bodies: Fight Learning Loss with Movement

Discover practical, movement-based learning techniques designed to invigorate your students and elevate math proficiency. Our strategies supplement all K-5 curriculums. Led by Math & Movement Founder and CEO, Suzy Koontz, this webinar promises to unlock the potential of movement in education.


What to expect:

  • Learn responsive, differentiated instructional strategies that engage learners.
  • Discover the brain science and data behind movement-based learning.
  • Explore strategies to speed up learning, boost fluency, support state standards, and address unfinished learning.
  • Learn how to incorporate movement before, during, and after school, in summer learning programs, and parent engagement events.


Target Audience: Elementary School Administrators

If you cannot attend live but are interested in accessing the information, register and we will send you the recording!

Meet Our Presenter,
Suzy Koontz

Suzy Koontz is the Founder and CEO of Math & Movement. She is an actuary, an educational consultant, a math teacher, and the creator of over 150 kinesthetic teaching tools. As the author of over 15 books, Suzy’s passion is helping students recognize their ability to learn and helping them lead healthier lives while achieving academic success. Suzy’s mission is for ALL students to be on grade level in math and reading.

Suzy headshot image
school presentation

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