Kinesthetic Strategies to Master Multiplication

Many students fail to develop multiplication fluency during third grade which hinders their math confidence in subsequent years. This interactive presentation offers kinesthetic strategies that develop multiplication fluency. Similar to learning to play a musical instrument or a sport, multiplication fluency requires repetition for most children. This presentation will provide simple steps and practical suggestions on how to infuse enjoyable movement into math practice to ensure that your students develop the fluency required by NYS Next Generation Standards (3.OA.7a) and other state standards!

Target Audience: 3rd-6th grade teachers, math coaches, AIS math teachers, special education teachers, and parents

Upcoming session date: TBD

A zoom link will be provided after registration.

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A ‘seconds material’ means the mat may have a few printer marks but still works the same! After you register for the course, we will mail you a surprise seconds material to use in your classroom or school. Please note we will send a seconds SURPRISE box with one seconds mat. We cannot guarantee any specific mats. 

About Your Facilitator

Kirby Schoephoerster is the Program Manager for the National Math Foundation. Kirby holds a BA and MA in Classical Studies from St. Olaf College and Washington University in St. Louis respectively. During his academic career, Kirby held numerous positions including assistant instructor, academic researcher, language lab instructor, Latin/Greek tutor, and educational outreach coordinator. He was also elected by his peers to the position of vice-president of the St. Olaf chapter of Eta Sigma Phi (the National Classics Honor Society) and president of the Society for Ancient History.

His tenure as a grant writer, legal research intern, and consultant at Math & Movement, and as an extracurricular advisor and leadership consultant for Crimson Education, has greatly impacted the way he understands elementary education and the importance of incorporating kinesthetic learning into traditional curricula. As an experienced teacher, researcher, and leader with a background in the humanities and a passion for education, Kirby brings an academically holistic perspective to the team at the National Math Foundation.

Kirby currently lives in Tampa, FL with his partner Lizzy. He enjoys spending time with his two Bulgarian cats, traveling the world with Lizzy, fly fishing, hiking, swimming, and playing ‘Dungeons & Dragons’ with his friends from college.

Play-based, kinesthetic learning is an enjoyable way for students to learn new concepts. It instills confidence and reduces the stress that can be associated with learning.

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