Add/Subtract Mat -
Hundred Number Grid

The purpose of the Add/Subtract Mat is to offer a kinesthetic opportunity for children to practice one-to-one correspondence (ability to link a number name with one and only one object), odd and even numbers, addition and subtraction, skip counting by any number, counting forward to 100 and backward from 100 and general number sense.

Have your students start with the Pre-Test below. Then, spend some time jumping on the sticker, using the activities below to guide you!


Before hopping on the mat:

Ask your child how many of these by problems they know. (Mark it off and try to remember for the final survey!)







Ones Walk

The Ones Walk
Have your students begin by starting at one. Add one and step on that number. Continue
through the mat. Next, have them take the Ones Walk backward from 100. Afterward,
take the Ones Walk going forward or backward starting at any number.

The Tens Traipse

Have your students begin by starting at one. Add ten and step on that number. Continue
throughout the 100 Number Grid. Next, take the Tens Traipse backward from 100.
Afterward, take the Tens Traipse going forward or backward starting at any number.

Race to One Hundred

Players line up at one. Each player rolls the dice. Whoever gets the highest number goes
first. The first player rolls the dice and takes that number of steps. The second player
rolls dice and takes that many steps. Continue until the first person reaches 100. For
older students have them roll two dice and multiply the numbers and add that to the
number they are on.
**Add a fun twist – At any point in the game, if the second player, for example, lands on
the spot of the first player, then the first player goes back to one!

Make Tens

Have students choose a number to stand on. Ask each child how many steps it takes to
make a number with 0 in the ones place. For example, if student is standing on 33, he/
she figures out how many steps to make 40.


Select a number and ask your students to round it to the nearest ten. Have them hop to
the rounded number. You could also have a student roll a die or toss a bean bag to select
the initial number.

Quick Math Tip
From Ms. Suzy



After hopping on the mat:

Ask your child how many of these by problems they know now!

Please record your answers in the survey below.






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