Clock Hop
The purpose of the Clock Hop Floor Mat is to offer a kinesthetic opportunity for children to learn to tell time and to skip count by fives.
Have your students start with the Pre-Test below. Then, spend some time jumping on the mat, using the activities below to guide you!
Before hopping on the mat:
Ask your child how many of these by problems they know. (Mark it off and try to remember for the final survey!)
Have your students start at one and step on each number while saying the number as they walk around the clock.
Have your students start at START HERE. Have them hop around the mat on the blue multiples of five while they say the numbers out loud. As the student hops on each number, encourage them to simultaneously say the number name. If the counting gets ahead of the number the student is jumping on, encourage them to go back and start over.
Stepping (or jumping) on the number and saying the number name simultaneously is evidence of a child’s understanding of one-to-one correspondence, which is essential to all mathematical processes. Be sure your student’s hopping is in sync with saying the number!
Create the Time
Write different times on notecards. Have your students use cardboard hour and minute hands, a yardstick and ruler, or their own bodies to create the times.
Grade 1-Time to the hour and half hour.
Grade 2-Time to nearest 5 minute mark.
Grade 3- Time to the nearest minute.
What Time Is It?
This is the reverse of the ‘Create the Time’ activity. Place the cardboard hands or the yardstick and ruler on the mat and have students name the time.
Grade 1- Time to the hour and half hour.
Grade 2- Time to nearest 5 minute mark.
Grade 3- Time to the nearest minute.
Write +5, +15, +27, -30, etc. on notecards. Have a student create a time on the clock (yardstick and ruler, cardboard/paper hands, their arms, and legs). Have the student select an index card and add or subtract the time according to the card drawn and recite the new time made.
Have students create different angles on the mat using the clock hands. Ask them to relate the angle they make to the time.
• What time would make a 90 degree angle?
• Name a time that would make an acute/obtuse angle?
After hopping on the mat:
Ask your child how many of these by problems they know now!
Please record your answers in the survey below.