Word Hop A
The Word Hops are a great way to practice sight words! Have your students start with the Pre-Test below to check what they know before they jump!
Then, spend some time jumping on the mat, using the activities below to guide you!
Before hopping on the mat:
Ask your child how many of these words they know. (Mark it off and try to remember for the final survey!)
Have student begin on START HERE. Have student read the first word. Have student jump on a word while simultaneously saying the word. Be sure that your student says the words correctly. Tell your student a word if your student doesn’t know the word. Continue hopping and reading words until the end of the mat. Repeat activity until student is comfortable with reading words.
Create word cards that match the words on the Word Hop floor mats. Put words in a pile and mix up pile. Match the word cards with the words on the Word Hop floor mat by placing the word card on or beside the word on the floor mat and saying the word.
Create word cards that match the words on the Word Hop floor mats. Put words in a pile and mix up pile. Match the word cards with the words on the Word Hop floor mat by placing the word card on or beside the word on the floor mat and saying the word.
Have student crawl on mat and trace each word on the mat with two fingers. Have student trace word saying each letter as they trace it. Then say the word.
Have student start on START HERE. Have student read the first word. Have your student hop on the word with one foot while simultaneously saying the word. Have student read the next word. Have your student hop with two feet on the mat while simultaneously saying the second word. Be sure that your student says the words correctly. Tell your student the word if your student doesn’t know it. Continue alternating between one foot and two-footed hops to the end of the mat. Repeat activity until student is comfortable with all words.
Have students take turns tossing a bean bag onto the mat. Have them jump down to the word it lands on, read the word and then use it in a sentence.
After hopping on the mat:
Ask your child how many of these by problems they know now!
Please record your answers in the survey below.