Learn More About Active Math Movements

What are Active Math Movements?

Active math movements are designed to give your students physical exercise while practicing one-to-one correspondence or skip counting. These movements do not require any materials and are perfect for short brain breaks throughout your school day!

Our active math movements are broken into two sections – whisper/loud movements and skip counting movements. Whisper/Loud Movements are the building blocks for skip counting movements.

Once students have mastered whisper/loud movements, they can move on to the skip counting movements, where they eliminate the whisper and only skip count.

training manual cover

Add movement to math class and beyond!

You can find more active math movements similar to the ones we mentioned here! Additionally, the Math & Movement Training Manual is packed with engaging active math movements. We are providing the first chapter for free - click the button below!

Benefits of Active Math Movements

  • Improve student physical and mental health
  • Address ADHD and other learning challenges
  • Increase student confidence and understanding of core math concepts
  • Boost test scores and help students catch up on lost time due to Covid-19
  • Increase students’ opportunities for learning and social-emotional development
students using mats teaching tips for new teachers growing and developing professionally as a teacher advice for first year

Research and Data

active brain scan kinesthetic learner

These images are a composite scan of 20 students’ brains taking an identical test. The left image shows the brain activity from students who sat quietly prior to the test. The right image is from students who were physically active prior to the test. Their brains were more active! 

Image courtesy of Charles Hillman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Source: Active education: Growing evidence on physical activity and academic performance. (2015). San Diego, CA: Active Living Research. 

Movement impacted end-of-year test score performance in a third grade classroom. See the results of three groups of students from Davidson Elementary School in North Carolina from May 2017. 

  • Cohort A: Direct lessons, interventions, and warm-ups using movement regularly
  • Cohort B: Used movement as student learning supplement
  • Cohort C: Did not participate in the project
RIT score

Why Math & Movement?

Our mission is simple: Get students active and confident in math. By combining data, research, and decades of collective teaching experience, we have created a series of kinesthetic, state standard-aligned teaching materials and resources.   

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Training Manual

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