Make Your Next School Fundraiser a Math Marathon!

What is a Math Marathon?

Math-a-thons, or math marathons, are a go-to fundraiser that schools can use to raise funds to bring materials, like ones from Math & Movement, into their classrooms. Students secure pledges for solving math problems and then solve as many math problems as possible.

Two students and two teachers jumpinge at a math marathon

A Math Marathon Overview

Schools can customize their math-a-thons based on their fundraising goals. Here are a few key pieces we think work well for structuring your fundraiser:

Math Marathon K-5 Package

This package includes materials to help you run a K-5 math-a-thon at your school. The Kit includes the following workbooks that can be used as the student worksheet needed for math marathons: 

  • Addition Marathon Workbook (Kindergarten) ebook
  • Addition/Subtraction Marathon Workbook (1st Grade) ebook
  • Addition/Subtraction Marathon Workbook (2nd Grade) ebook
  • Multiplication Marathon (30 per page) ebook
  • Multiplication Marathon (60 per page) ebook
  • Jump & Learn Multiplication ebook
Jump & Learn Multiplication, math marathon book

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