The Mighty Multiplication Project

A partnership between Math & Movement and National Math Foundation 

What is the Mighty Multiplication Project?​

This math intervention research project aims to contribute to the ongoing discussion on the efficacy of movement-based learning. Teachers will collect data on student achievement and math self-efficacy over 8 weeks. 

Provides students the opportunity to master multiplication through movement-focused activities and strategies that strengthen both math fact fluency and conceptual practice

Provides teachers with additional, multimodal tools to enrich their math classrooms

How the Program Works

Project Step Important Dates
1. Teachers register for the Mighty Multiplication Project
Deadline to Register:
January 5, 2023
2. Selected teachers receive a follow-up email with project resources (materials, ebooks, data forms, project information, and checklist)
January 2023
3. Teachers complete Pre-Project Survey
January 2023
4. Teachers attend training sessions (Recordings will also be provided for those who cannot attend during these times.)
Session 1 – January 11, 4 PM EST
Session 2 – January 18, 4 PM EST

Teachers must watch before the Project start date of January 23.
5. Teachers assign provided pre-test to students
January 2023
6. Teachers start collecting data using provided Activity Log
8 Week Project
January 23, 2023- March 17, 2023
7. Students take Post-Test
Deadline: March 17, 2023
8. Teachers complete provided Post-Project Survey
Deadline: March 17, 2023
Student participating in mathathon
overcoming math anxiety feelings in the myth of i'm bad at avoidance in elementary students
Classrooms Program 3

Why We Created This Project

Math fact fluency and conceptual understanding are critical components of mastering multiplication – a crucial building block for future academic success and math self-efficacy for K-12 students. Typically, students are introduced to multiplication in 3rd grade. The recent COVID-19 pandemic (in addition to the learning gaps that were already present before the outbreak) has pushed students further behind in this important skill.

What is Provided for the Project?

Two online training sessions in January 2023

  • Session 1 – The Mighty Multiplication Project: A Math Intervention Research Program (January 11, 4 PM EST)
  • Session 2 –  Kinesthetic Strategies for Mastering Multiplication (January 18, 4 PM EST)


Digital Math Books

  • First access to our recently published book, Multiplication and Division in the Real World (ebook)
  • The Math & Movement Training Manual ebook
  • Oodles of Algebra ebook Set
  • I Love to Cancel Workbook ebook
  • Multiplication Mar-A-Thon Workbooks (digital)
  • Multiply With Me Instructor Guide and Workbook ebook Set
  • Digital Activity Guides & Lesson Plans


On-going support and informational calls

Data collection tools (pre/post-tests, surveys)

math books
Skip Counting 6s

Requirements of Participating Teachers

  • Access to the Math & Movement Skip Counting Mat by 2s, Skip Counting Mat by 3s, Skip Counting Mat by 4s, AND Skip Counting Mat by 6s
    • If you also have a Skip Counting by 5s Mat and/or Multiplication Hop Mat (mini or large), we can also use these in the project! These two are not mandatory.

  • Attend or watch training sessions before January 23

  • Collect data online over 8 week project period 

  • Submit data by March 17, 2023

Your Impact on Movement-Based Learning Data

Over the course of the program, students will complete 25 multiplication questions and 13 self-efficacy questions that cover math fact recall and conceptual understanding of multiplication.

The data you collect will help answer important questions, including:

  1. How does incorporating movement-based teaching strategies affect student test scores in mathematics? 
  2. To what extent does implementation time and repetition of movement-focused instructional strategies/materials impact students’ fluency in multiplication (i.e. basic math fact fluency and conceptual understanding)?
  3. How can a kinesthetic, movement-based intervention impact students’ and teachers’ self-efficacy and self-confidence in mathematics?

Never collected data before? Don’t sweat it! We want to make this project simple for you and your students. We will provide you with 

  • Student Pre Test
  • Student Post Test
  • Teacher Pre-Project Survey
  • Teacher Post-Project Survey
  • Virtual Training Session 

How to Get Started

If you already have the needed Math & Movement Multiplication Materials

For those of you who already have the needed Math & Movement multiplication materials, we encourage you to join this project and contribute to our ongoing research into the benefits of movement-based learning. Collect your materials and get ready! Your first step is to fill out the form so that we can send you the additional resources for the course. 

If you have any further questions about the project, feel free to schedule a meeting with an NMF staff member!

If you do not have Math & Movement Multiplication Materials

If you currently do not have Math & Movement multiplication materials but would like to participate in the program, please consider applying for a grant or ask your administrator about ESSER Funds. The Math & Movement program aligns with state standards and fulfills the learning requirements of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds. 

You can also check out Grant Finder to support your participation. However, please note lots of teachers have had success with asking their administrator for support with the program! The Grant Finder may or may not be helpful in your search.

Shop the Required Materials:

Shop the Optional Materials:

Hello! Have a question?

Please leave your email and a quick note for us. We will get back to you soon! In the meantime, here are answers to some of our most common questions:

Training Manual

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