Place Value

Mat overview:

The Place Value Hop teaches the fundamentals of multi-place number building. This mat covers place values from ones to millions.

Have your students start with the Pre-Test below. Then, spend some time jumping on the mat, using the activities below to guide you!


Before hopping on the mat:

Ask your child to answer the following questions. (Mark it off and try to remember for the final survey!)

Say this number:


Say this number:


Say this number:


What place value is underlined?


What place value is underlined?


What place value is underlined?



For each activity, you can adjust for the grade level:  

1st Grade -2 digit

2nd Grade – 3 digit

3rd Grade – 4 digit

4th Grade- 5-6 digit

5th Grade- 6 digit and up

The Place Value Walk

Stand on the mat on the ones column. Say, “ones.” Step to the tens, say, “tens.” Then to the hundreds, say, “hundreds,” and to the thousands, say, “thousands.” Continue to “millions.”


Then try it backwards!

Stand on the mat on the millions column. Say, “millions.” Step to the hundred thousands, say, “hundred thousands.” Then to the ten thousands, say, “ten thousands,” and to the thousands, say, “thousands.” Continue to “ones.”

Hopping Place Values

Have students create a number by placing the numeral cards in the boxes at the top of the floor mat. 

Example: Create the number 2,345,678. Start at the ones column. Jump on the 8 and say, “8 ones.” Jump on the 7 and say “7 tens.” Jump on the 6 and say, “6 hundreds.” Jump on the 5 and say, “5 thousands.” Jump on the 4 and say, “4 ten thousands.” Jump on the 3 and say, “3 hundred thousands.” Jump on the 2 and say, “2 millions.”

Jump out the Number

Create a number on the mat, going up to the place value you are working on in class. Have students jump out the number.

Example: 1,315,608

Jump on the 1. Say “1.” Jump on MILLION. Say, “million.” 

Jump on the 3. Say, “3.” Jump on the HUNDRED. Say, “hundred.”

Jump on the 1. (This is where it can get a little tricky! Explain that the one in a tens column combines with the ones column.)

Jump on the 5. Say, 15. Jump on the THOUSAND. Say, “thousand.”

Jump on the 6. Say, 6. Jump on the HUNDRED. Say, “hundred:”

Jump OVER the zero. (Emphasize that the zero’s are skipped and not said.)

Jump on the 8. Say, “and eight.”

Find the Place

Have a student create a number on the mat. Instruct the student to pick up the card in the millions place, in the tens place, etc. Continue until they have identified all of the place values in that number.

One Change Leads to Another

Write + 1000, +100, +10, +1, -1000, -100, -10, -1 on notecards. Mix up the cards and add to a large hat or box (or in a pile on the floor if you do not have those items available). Have a student select a card and add or subtract place value blocks (at the bottom of the mat) according to the index card. Then have the student change the number cards (at the top of the mat) accordingly to create the new number.



After hopping on the mat:

Ask your child how many names and values of the money they know now!

Please record your answers in the survey below.

Say this number:


Say this number:


Say this number:


What place value is underlined?


What place value is underlined?


What place value is underlined?


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