One Hour of Kinesthetic Learning Helps Gilbertsville Students

Skip Counting by 8s Case Study Data
  • Gilbertsville-Mount Upton Central School

    Public PK-12 School
    Gilbertsville-Mount Upton Central School District
    Gilbertsville, NY

  • 3rd Grade

    Classroom Study

  • Pre and Post-Tests

    Program Evaluation Tools

  • One-Hour Virtual Lesson

    Program Timeline

Study Focus: To determine the effectiveness of a one-hour kinesthetic multiplication lesson

Math & Movement Founder and CEO Suzy Koontz led a one-hour virtual multiplication lesson for a 3rd grade class. The class consisted of 12 students at a public school in rural upstate New York.

The class’s participating teacher previously taught her students to skip count by 8s to the tune of a familiar song. She encouraged the students to jump on the Math & Movement Skip Counting by 8s floor mat while they sang the song. (The song was just numbers and did not have any words as part of the lyrics.) As a result, the students began the one-hour lesson with a solid knowledge of skip counting by 8s. 

Suzy Koontz led the one-hour multiplication lesson virtually through Zoom to the class. At the start of the lesson, students completed a two-page multiplication by 8s pre-test. After the pre-test, students participated in an activity called “Soccer by 8s”. Then, students jumped on the Skip Counting by 8s floor mat. Each student had a turn jumping on the mat.

Next, they completed an activity called “Basketball by 8s”. Finally, students completed the post-test, which was the same multiplication by 8s questions as the pre-test.

As a result of the one-hour Math & Movement lesson, students significantly improved their multiplication by 8s skills. There was a 105% improvement in students’ post-test scores from their pre-test scores. Students increased their scores by an average of 40 points. 

After only one hour of practice, every student had a post-test score of at least 12 percentage points higher than their pre-test score. The students’ improvement underscores Math & Movement’s impact on learning efficiency and retention.


  • The lesson was done virtually over Zoom to the classroom.

  • The lesson was only one hour long.


  • Virtual Lesson led by Math & Movement Founder & CEO Suzy Koontz


  • After only one hour of Math & Movement intervention, the students' post-test scores increased by an average of 40 points when compared to the pre-test scores.

  • Students made an impressive 105% improvement in their pre-test to post-test scores.

  • The performance gap between the highest and lowest achieving students decreased from 64% to 56% in just one hour.

  • Every student improved from pre-test to post-test by at least 12 percentage points. One student even increased their score by 60 percentage points.

  • There were high levels of engagement from both students and teachers, resulting in better focus and more enjoyment.

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