FREE Webinar
Play-Based Learning Strategies to Enhance Numeracy for Early Learners
We’re on a mission to help all students succeed in school. Students learn differently — which is why this training includes strategies for teaching with visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning modalities, all aligned with State Standards. These multi-sensory learning strategies will engage your learners, boost retention rates, build self-confidence and reduce learning deficits. Best of all, kids love to learn this way!
All participants will receive the Math & Movement Training Manual e-book that contains over 250 engaging math movements.
Target Audience: Educators of Early Learners, Physical Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers, School Counselors, and School Administration
Upcoming session date: TBD
Meet Our Presenter,
Suzy Koontz
Suzy Koontz is the Founder and CEO of Math & Movement. She is an actuary, an educational consultant, a math teacher, and the creator of over 150 kinesthetic teaching tools. As the author of over 15 books, Suzy’s passion is helping students recognize their ability to learn and helping them lead healthier lives while achieving academic success. Suzy’s mission is for ALL students to be on grade level in math and reading.
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