- 5-part series of webinars for Pre-K-2nd Grade educators: $1500 ($300 per 1-hour session)
- 5-part series of webinars for 3rd-5th Grade educators: $1500 ($300 per 1-hour session)
Participants will receive materials based on their grade level.
PreK – 2nd Grade educators will receive a “Skip Counting By Twos” Mat. $40 per participant.
3rd-5th Grade educators will receive a “Skip Counting By Threes” Mat. $40 per participant.
PLUS a Hop to Success Book based on their grade level. (only applies to grades 1-5) Cost = $39.95 per participant.
PreK and Kindergarten participants will receive the following ebook files:
- The ABCs of Math & Movement PLUS Video Access
- Kindergarten Common Core Lesson Plan
- Math & Movement Training Manual
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