Submit Your Activity

We are thrilled that you are enjoying our products and have an activity to share! Our team will review all submissions and publish relevant activities to our activity database for other customers to view. We have also just added an option to submit active math movement ideas – no material needed. Please select ‘Active Math Movements’ in the ‘select material’ dropdown for this option.

After we read your submission, we will let you know if your activity is approved. Activities submitted must be new ideas and not already listed in our activity database.

Please note: If you upload any images of students, please also upload a copy of the release form/permission to use their photo.

If you have one image of your activity, please include it in the ‘Featured Activity’ upload. If you have more than one, please include them in the ‘Activity Photo Gallery’ upload. 

Please send any questions to

The form may take a minute to submit. Please keep this window open until you receive the confirmation message.