Learning Kits

Create a memorable summer for your students, enhancing their math and reading confidence, problem-solving abilities, fluency, and overall engagement!

Summer Learning Kits

Create a memorable summer for your students, enhancing their math and reading confidence, problem-solving abilities, fluency, and overall engagement!

Serving K-12 Schools

15+ Years of Experience

Fast & Reliable Delivery

Free Activities Included

Have Fun with Math & Movement Summer School Programs

Are you looking for a summer school program that will offer exploratory and play-based learning?  This summer, consider implementing Math & Movement summer learning programs for elementary students. Our curriculum emphasizes movement-based learning for kindergarten through fifth grade. Make this summer memorable and enjoyable for your students. Reap the benefits of increased math and reading confidence, problem-solving skills, fluency, and student engagement as a result!


Our kinesthetic materials meet state educational standards and are backed by research, using movement to enhance engagement, improve comprehension, and boost retention while aligning with curriculum goals.

Easy To Implement

Our tools are thoughtfully crafted to cater to the needs of both educators and students, providing an engaging experience for students while still being easily implemented into daily lessons.

Versatile for Every Setting

Our activities seamlessly adapt to individual students, small groups, large classrooms, and various learning times, including after/before school and physical education, ensuring flexibility for all environments.

Summer Learning Kits

We have created three summer learning kit options to best suit a range of needs for K-5 Programs. With the Math & Movement Summer Learning Kits, students can have a fun and engaging summer experience while building a strong foundation in mathematics.


A perfect place to start for schools looking for a basic kit of our most popular floor mats.


Our mid-level kit includes a larger range of materials to encompass more concepts and activities.


A comprehensive set of materials to cover a detailed range of core concepts and activities.

Summer Learning Plans

Our four or six week plan for bringing movement-based learning to your summer tutoring program.


By rotating through stations, students will develop number sense and practice skills for place value, fractions, time, money, geometry, and solving real-world problems. Using the Jump & Learn Multiplication activities, the following specific goals for multiplication will be achieved.

  • Rising 3rd Graders 4-Week Program

    In one hour a day, four days a week, students will master multiplication by 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, and 10s.

  • Rising 3rd Graders 6-Week Program

    In addition to 4-week program goals, students will also master multiplication by 7s, and 8s.

  • Rising 4th and 5th Graders 4-Week Program

    In one hour a day, four days a week, students will master multiplication by 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, and 10s.

  • Rising 4th and 5th Graders 6-Week Program

    In addition to 4-week program goals, students will also master multiplication by 9s, 11s, and 12s.

Jump & Learn Multiplication
Jump & Learn Multiplication marries trauma-informed and math education by making the process of learning multiplication active, fun, engaging, and fast—all while developing positive self-esteem. Students are introduced to multiplication problems from 0s to 12s, one multiple at a time. Sufficient practice problems allow students to develop multiplication confidence. Positive affirmations adorn the multiplication practice pages.

Students are encouraged to begin and end each practice page by reciting a positive affirmation while engaging in cross-body movements. Students document their mastery of each multiple by placing stickers on their personal Progress Reports. Upon completion of the program, the student places a large sticker on the Certificate of Completion. Challenge problems, application problems, mixed multiplication problems, and pre- and post-tests are also included.


To catapult reading fluency, include 15 minutes of Jump & Learn Words activities daily in your summer reading program.

  • Rising 1st and 2nd Graders 4-Week Program

    In four days a week, your students will develop fluency with 112 Dolch sight words.

  • Rising 3rd-5th Graders 4-Week Program

    In four days a week, your students will develop fluency with 203 Dolch sight words.

Jump & Learn Words

Jump & Learn Words offers enjoyable practice with 203 Dolch sight words. Students trace, search for and spell each word. Seven additional questions are included for each word to strengthen a student’s word knowledge. Word lists and pre-and post-tests are included.

Including physical activity makes the process of learning fun! To speed word recognition and reading fluency, use the book along with the Jump & Learn method! Large words with bright background colors are displayed on the ground, allowing students to repeatedly jump on each word while saying the word out loud!

Frequently Asked Questions

When educators use Math & Movement in their summer learning programs, activities focus on movement and kinesthetic strategies. Students can hop, step, crawl, trace, and even dance as they practice math concepts on our heavy-duty floor mats!  Math & Movement goes beyond filling out worksheets by allowing students to solve problems by moving their bodies on our materials.

Additionally, educators will receive access to our online activity database, which features detailed instructions for games to play on each mat!

Summer learning programs are important because they prevent students from losing the academic progress they made during the school year while on summer break. These programs also keep students academically engaged, help them retain and reinforce skills, and prepare them for the upcoming school year.

Summer learning programs prevent learning loss by providing continuous academic engagement. By participating in structured learning activities during the summer, students maintain and build upon the skills they developed during the school year. This consistent practice helps to reinforce knowledge and prevent regression. Better yet, kinesthetic activities make these lessons fun and easier to remember!

Yes! Check out our three different summer learning kits outlined above. These summer learning kits are a great way to start incorporating movement into your program. You can also contact us for a customized kit to suit your program’s needs.

Children love to move—and they need to move! Too much sitting results in decreased circulation and a subsequent decrease in concentration. Movement stimulates the release of dopamine and noradrenaline in the brain, which boosts learning and positive feelings! Plus, summer is a great time to teach children the importance of staying active.

Math & Movement harnesses a child’s natural inclination for activity and turns it into enthusiasm for acquiring academic skills. Thus, Math & Movement motivates students while simultaneously strengthening their skills and allowing them to have fun while learning.

Trusted by Educators Like You

Our program is trusted and loved by a network of over 18,000 educators. We are active in 47 different states across the country.

Interested in adding our materials to your Summer Learning Program or have other questions?

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Training Manual

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