10 Tips for New Teachers to Grow and Develop Professionally

teaching tips for new teachers growing and developing professionally as a teacher advice for first year
Being a new teacher can be intimidating. Follow this advice for first year teachers as you grow into your new role in education!

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So You're a First Year Teacher Looking for Advice...

At a time when educators are needed more than ever, you and many other new teachers are likely feeling stressed about starting the job. You also likely feel pressure to run a perfect classroom with flawlessly-conducted lessons and every supply you could ever need. However, teaching is a lot about practice and reflection on action. Many teachers are in their own learning process while teaching the nation’s children.

As is true in all vocations, good teachers constantly ask how to improve their teaching to help their students. Most new teachers are starting with a blank slate, which is exciting and full of potential, but also intimidating. There is no one way to be a “great teacher”, but there is plenty of advice for first year teachers just starting out. We’re sharing 10 tips for new teachers who are growing and developing professionally.

1. Be Patient With Yourself

Becoming the best teacher ever doesn’t happen overnight. There will likely be a lot of mistakes and maybe even temporary failures, but it is important to realize that those experiences are the ones that help you grow and develop professionally as a teacher the most.

2. Give Students Breaks

When students are constantly straining themselves mentally, they can be pushed to exhaustion. Students may become especially restless when they are sitting at their desks most of the day. Children must have breaks in their learning during which they can relax and rejuvenate before the next lesson. If you are looking for ideas to give students a quick brain break, try incorporating some active math movements into your school day. These moments can be very educational, yet a fun change of pace.


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3. Use Culturally Responsive Teaching Methods in the Classroom

Culturally responsive teaching recognizes the importance of including students’ cultural characteristics, experiences, and perspectives in all aspects of learning. Establish inclusion so that all students feel that their identities are validated, and their communities belong in the classroom.

4. Enhance Social Emotional Learning

Social emotional learning helps students manage their emotions, appreciate the perspectives of others, establish positive goals, and make responsible decisions. For example, a teacher can promote mindfulness by creating a mood board where students associate moods with colors. This way, you can check in with students on how they feel throughout the day and what they need to be happy.
teaching tips for new teachers growing and developing professionally as a teacher advice for first year

5. Recognize Struggling Students

When students misbehave or struggle to focus, that could be for various reasons. As a teacher, it is important to be patient and not immediately label the student as a troublemaker. Instead, try to find the root of the problem. Perhaps they are not engaged with the lesson, struggling to understand a new concept, or are simply having a bad day. There is always an alternative solution to harsh discipline.

6. Use Research-Based Teaching Strategies

Try a kinesthetic approach to teachingOften, teachers will only teach through one learning style that does not benefit all types of learners. A combination of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles can be implemented stimultaneously. Math & Movement creates a fun learning experience through interactive learning materials that engage all students. 

7. Find a Mentor

Don’t be afraid to ask veteran teachers for advice as a first year teacher! They had their own first year of teaching, too. Many experienced teachers are happy to share their insights and lesson plans if you simply ask. Seek help from teachers who you admire and see are respected by their students and their peers.

8. Be a Warm Demander

Often, new teachers just want the students to like them. Although having a strong relationship with students is helpful, it is also vital to maintain classroom management. A warm demander is a teacher who understands this relationship and can have reasonable expectations that the students will follow. This way, the students will respect you and have a productive, enjoyable learning environment.

9. Stay Inspired

New teachers should join local associations, online communities, and other related organizations for ongoing support and training. Take advantage of professional development and continually study the latest teaching research. Math & Movement offers in-person and virtual workshops that bring active, multi-sensory learning to your school. Additionally, Math & Movement frequently offers webinars that count towards professional development hours.

Professional Development Webinars

10. Reflect

In many ways, it can seem easier to teach to the test and measure your success by meeting all of the standard requirements. However, this can be detrimental to the students’ long-term academic success. Practicing new teaching strategies and making custom lesson plans will serve your students best if you follow those activities with thoughtful reflection. What impact does your teaching have on your students? When teachers reflect on their actions, they continue to grow and develop professionally.

teaching tips for new teachers growing and developing professionally as a teacher advice for first year

Teaching Tips for New Teachers

As the first day of school approaches, be confident in yourself and all of the new wonderful things you can teach your students throughout the school year! No amount of tips for new teachers can make up for a lack of passion for teaching. Though being a teacher is hard work, all of the growth and development you see in yourself and your students makes it worth it!

Experienced teachers – share your tips for first year teachers down below in the comments!


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