skip counting by 4

Least Common Multiple

Grade 6

Created by:

Math & Movement

Estimated Activity Time:



Activity Instructions

Requires two different skip counting mats.
Line up two skip counting mats. Tell students you will be comparing these two factors and finding the least common multiples. Have one student on each mat. Instruct one student to hop on the multiples going up their mat, shouting out the multiples as they hop. Then, have the second student do the same on the second mat. When the class hears the second student call out a duplicate number, they yell to the second student to stop. Check to see if they found the least common multiple (LCM) or just a common multiple.

Example: Find the LCM of 3 and 4. Line up the Skip Counting by 3s and 4s mats side by side. One student jumps 3, 6, 9, 12, etc., up the mat. Then, the other jumps 4, 8, 12…the class yells, โ€œSTOP!โ€

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