letter flowers vowels and consonants making words build a word game word recognition activities

Students Pick

Kindergarten, Grade 1

Created by:

Math & Movement

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Making words, CVC words

Activity Instructions

Have your student place a vowel card on the mat on the circle that says โ€˜Place Card Here.โ€™ Then have your student pick a letter to start on (could be by favorite color etc.). Have your student stand on the letter they chose and say the sound of the letter. Then have your student step to the center and say the vowel sound. Next, have your student choose a second letter from the petals, stand on it and say its sound. Then have them blending the three sounds together to see if it makes a recognizable word. Repeat with different petals and vowel cards. Some combinations do not make words. You could refer to them as “silly words” or non-English words.

Guide your studentโ€™s selection of vowel cards and petals to avoid word combinations that create profanity. Point out to students that sometimes silly words in English are real words in other languages.

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