Which Shape is it?

Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4

Created by:

Math & Movement

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Activity Instructions

Ask your students the following questions or have the questions written on index cards. Have them show you the answer by jumping on that shape on the mat.

Samantha has a slice of pizza with three equal sides. What is the name of this shape?
Janelle has a four equal-sided pen for her rabbit to play in the yard. What is the name of this shape?
Tyler has a fire pit in his yard with five equal sides. What is the name of this shape?
Casey has a honeycomb with six equal sides. What is the name of this shape?
Camillo has a game piece that has seven equal sides. What is the name of this shape?
Freddy sees a stop sign with eight equal sides. What is the name of this shape?
Amar has a pool with nine equal sides. What is the name of this shape?
Gwen has a window is her room with ten equal sides. What is the name of this shape?

Additional Questions:
Which shapes have an odd number of sides?
Which shapes have an even number of sides?
Which shapes have parallel lines?
Which shapes have angles less than or equal to 90 degrees?
Which shapes have obtuse angles?

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