Become One of America’s Healthiest Schools
Have you heard of the America’s Healthiest Schools award?
America’s Healthiest Schools is Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s prestigious annual recognition program that honors schools for implementing best practices to support the physical, mental, and social-emotional needs of the learning community.
Schools can apply for recognition in various topic areas, such as increasing family and community engagement, strengthening social-emotional learning, and bolstering physical education and activity. There are nine topic areas to choose from and you can learn more about the award and application here.
Why Apply?
Schools function best when students and educators are happy and healthy. Earning an ‘America’s Healthiest Schools’ recognition indicates that your school is a leader in school health. Previous awardees have received a multitude of benefits, including:
- Inclusion in their annual list of America’s Healthiest Schools, seen by millions nationwide each year through local and national media, such as USA Today, HuffPost, Woman’s Day, and more.
- A digital promotion package including web graphics, social media messages, newsletter blurbs, and email templates to help schools share the news.
What is the Application Timeline?
School teams may apply in the Healthier Generation Action Center. The online award application will open in early 2024 and close in the spring 2024.
Who Can Apply?
Any K-12 public or private school in the United States is eligible to apply for recognition as one of America’s Healthiest Schools—including elementary, middle, and high schools. Any school, regardless of earlier awards achieved, can apply for a 2024 award.
To receive an award, schools must have all criteria in a single topic area fully in place during the 2023-24 school year before the submission deadline.