Eagle Creek Third Graders Succeed Despite Pandemic Challenges
Kinesthetic learning resources helped these third graders learn mutliplication after facing setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kinesthetic learning resources helped these third graders learn mutliplication after facing setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Students at Yu Ying Charter School greatly improved their multiplication by 6s skills during a 40 minute after-school session using movement.
Three classes participated in the Math & Movement program during their multiplication units while one class did not. See how their scores compare!
These 3rd grade students significantly improved their multiplication by 8s skills after just a one-hour-long movement-based lesson!
This math intervention helped Pre-K students master counting to 20 and one-to-one correspondence with movement-based learning.
Learn how kinesthetic teaching strategies benefit students.
Students’ self-efficacy and self-confidence toward multiplication significantly increased after participating in kinesthetic strategies.
This 2023 program studied the effectiveness of kinesthetic learning strategies on students’ multiplication fluency and attitudes toward math.
Download Case Study Davidson K-8 School Public Elementary School Davidson, North Carolina Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District Kindergarten through Third Grade Classrooms School-Wide Study End-of-Year Measure of
NYS Grants Bring Math & Movement to MLK Elementary School Thanks to a Creating Healthy Schools and Communities (CHSC) grant, students at Martin Luther King
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