Do You Love Math & Movement? Join Our Team!

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By Suzy Koontz

Math & Movement is a ground-breaking new educational program that combines physical fitness with learning and practicing math, reading, and other concepts. In just a few short years, Math & Movement has branched nationally and experienced exponential growth.

Math & Movement is hiring part-time educational consultants. The time commitment can be low (a few hours a month) or high, depending on your schedule. You do not have to re-locate – you serve your community and nearby areas. You may also have the opportunity for national travel to present at conferences and offer training to teachers.

Following are some of the paid opportunities offered to Math & Movement Consultants. A Math & Movement consultant:

  • Leads Family Fun Nights
  • Offers Math & Movement training for teachers/administrators
  • Makes Math & Movement presentations to demonstrate the program
  • Attends conferences and runs the exhibit booth
  • Writes proposals to speak at conferences
  • Writes grants for other teachers

Who can become a consultant? Math & Movement consultants are classroom teachers, support teachers, or PE teachers with at least one year of experience.

The first step in becoming a Math & Movement consultant is to attend a Math & Movement training (either a Math & Movement Symposium or a National Math Foundation Summer Institute) and pursue grant funding to gain access to the materials. Once our consultants have the training and materials, they use the math-movements and floor mats with their students to increase fluency and deepen conceptual understanding of math and reading concepts, collect data, run Family Fun Nights, and train their colleagues.

Using the program with their students allows them to develop their own personal success stories of students who became engaged and made enormous gains in both math and reading. Collecting data on student growth provides evidence of the benefits of incorporating kinesthetic strategies. Once they have attended the Math & Movement training and have gone through the process of using the program with their students, they are ready to be a Math & Movement consultant.

Benefits of Being a Math & Movement Consultant:

  • Consultants will be on the forefront of the active-learning model.
  • Consultants’ students will benefit by using the Math & Movement strategies and floor mats to increase fluency in basic math and reading concepts and easily meet the CCSS.
  • Consultants will receive complete training in Math & Movement.
  • Consultants will have the knowledge to train other teachers.
  • Consultants will earn extra money leading Family Fun Nights (in other schools) and offering professional development to teachers and parents.
  • Consultants will have opportunities to present Math & Movement at conferences.
  • Consultants will receive training in grant-writing.
  • Consultants will be invited to the National Math Foundation Summer Institute (their only cost will be travel, room, and board). This year, we have two opportunities: June 13-16, 2016 in Chattanooga, Tennessee and August 8-11, 2016, in Ithaca, New York.

Research has shown that children learn more quickly and have greater retention when movement is combined with learning. Eight out of ten children are kinesthetic learners (learn best through movement.) The program harnesses children’s natural kinesthetic learning style to foster positive feelings towards learning. The Math & Movement program is based on research that shows that moving during learning facilitates muscle memory, an important factor with younger children whose abstract thinking skills are not fully developed.

At a time when there are 12 million obese children, physical fitness has become a matter of national urgency. As U.S. Senator Chris Dobb has said, “All of us—parents, schools, government, employers—need to see the rising childhood obesity rates for what they are: a medical emergency.” Math & Movement promotes physical activity while simultaneously increasing learning. The end result: physically fit children and improved test scores.

Do you want to be a part of this movement?

Click here to begin the application!


Suzy Koontz

Math & Movement, Founder and CEO

Phone: 607-233-4209


Movement isn't just for recess

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→ Shipping is 10% of the order subtotal.

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Training Manual

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