180 Degree Protractor

This is the 180 Degree Protractor. It shows a conventional protractor students use on their desks on a large scale. It shows the markings from both sides 0-180 degrees as well the words acute, right, and obtuse. It teaches how to measure and create angles as well as add and subtract them and then name them.

Grade 2 - Grade 8

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    1. Tri-Angles

      Material: Paper Have students make a large triangle out of a large sheet of paper. Then have them rip off the points, line them up on the mat (all pointing...
      Grade 8
    2. Complement Me

      Material: Yardsticks Have a student make an angle with the yardsticks on the mat. Ask a second student what the complementary angle is to the first. Do this with several...
      Grade 7
    3. Supplement Me

      Material: Yardsticks Have a student make an angle with the yardsticks on the mat. Ask a second student what the supplementary angle is to the first. Do this with several...
      Grade 7
    4. Make Angles

      Material: Yardsticks Give students different degree measurements and they will make them on the mat with either yardsticks or their limbs.
      Grade 4
    5. Right/Acute/Obtuse

      Material: Yardsticks Ask students to make an acute/obtuse/right angle. Have several students make varying acute and obtuse angles. Challenge a student to make the smallest acute angle, or the largest...
      Grade 4
    6. How Many Degrees?

      Material: Yardsticks Have students practice reading a protractor by explaining how to place one side of the angle pointing to the 0 degree mark and the other side of the...
      Grade 4
    7. What is a Degree?

      Take time to observe the mat and all of its small marks. Ask students to count how many small marks there are. Ask students what shape the protractor is (half...
      Grade 4
    8. What is an Angle, Anyway?

      Optional Material: Yard Sticks Have students take turns making angles on the mat using their limbs or yardsticks. After one makes an angle ask another to make one larger or...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4

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