
The purpose of the Add/Subtract Floor Mat and Sticker is to offer a kinesthetic opportunity for children to practice one-to-one correspondence (ability to link a number name with one and only one object), odd and even numbers, addition and subtraction, skip counting by any number, counting forward to 100 and backward from 100 and general number sense.

These activities can be used with the Add/Subtract Mat of any size (mini, regular, or large), the Add/Subtract Outdoor Sticker, the 100 Number Grid Classroom Rug, the Add/Subtract 1-120 Mat, and the 1-100 Stencils. Language, images, and videos will show the regular Add/Subtract mat. Adapt activities as needed for your material.

Grade Range: Kindergarten - Grade 8



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    1. Ordered Pairs

      MATERIALS: Add/Subtract Mat, small markers, optional: Cartesian Coordinate Mat Have your students start off the mat at "0". Add five and step on that number and place a marker on...
      Grade 5
    2. Additive Comparisons

      Use the Add/Subtract mat to solve word problems involving multiplying or dividing. Mark off the multiples of a factor given with markers on the mat. Add the multiple the number...
      Grade 4
    3. Arithmetic Patterns

      Have your students begin by starting off the mat at "0". Add five, step on that number, and place a marker on it. Continue throughout the mat marking and adding...
      Grade 3, Grade 4
    4. Estimation

      Materials(s): Count to 10 Mat, Add/Subtract Mat Using the Count to 10 Mat and the Add/Subtract Nat, give students addition questions to answer, first by estimating (Count to 10) and...
      Grade 3, Grade 4
    5. Money Madness

      Materials: 4 round baskets (e.g. laundry baskets), Add/Subtract Mat or Hundred Number Grid, Large Laminated Coins, or Play Money Lay large paperย money/coinsย on the floor mat.ย (Use the money your students are currently working...
      Grade 2
    6. Count to 100 by 1โ€™s and 10โ€™s

      Have your student start on one and walk each number as they say each number to 100. Clap when they reach a multiple of ten. Have the student go back...
      Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2
    7. Terrific Tens

      Write +10, -10, +20, -20, +30, -30, +40, -40, +50, -50, +60, -60, +70, -70, +80, -80, +90, -90 on index cards. Have students stand on the mat wherever they...
      Grade 1
    8. Sieve of Eratosthenes

      A prime number is a natural number greater than one and only has two factors, one and itself. Have your students use the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find all the...
      Grade 7
    9. The Card Rules

      The game is played in pairs. Draw two cards from the pile of 1-100 cards. Each student receives one card. The students decide who will stand on the mat and...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
    10. Dicey Days

      MATERIAL(S): Add/Subtract Mat, plus or minus dice, number dice, number cards / index cards Have each student select a card with a number from 1-100. All students go to the...
      Grade 1, Grade 2

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