Attribute Word Hop

This colorful floor mat makes it fun to learn to read the following words: small, big, short, tall, empty,
full, heavy, and light! This mat will help students define words by categories and key attributes.

Kindergarten - Grade 2

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    1. Hop the Words

      Have students begin on START HERE. Students will jump on the first box and say the word “small.” Students continue through each block, saying each of the words as they...
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    2. Say, Spell, Write

      Have students begin on START HERE. Students will jump on the first box and spell and say the word, “small.” (Option to have them crouch down to trace each letter...
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    3. Find the Opposite

      Write each of the attribute words on index cards. Have a student draw a card. They will find the word on the mat that is opposite of the word on...
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    4. Ending in -ll

      Have students jump on all the words on the mat that end in -ll.
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    5. Creating Sentences

      Have students create a sentence using a word on the mat. Students will jump on the word as they use it in the sentence. For example: “The SMALL (jumps on...
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    6. Classroom Treasure Hunt

      Have students go around the room and find objects that can be categorized under these words and place them on the mat. You can also have a basket or pile...
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    7. Comparisons

      Use the same items from the treasure hunt (or find new ones) and compare two of the objects using the vocabulary on the mat. Have students pick two objects, toss...
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    8. Synonyms and Antonyms

      Have students jump on the mat and list one antonym and one synonym for each word.
      Grade 2