Classifying Quadrilaterals

Teach how to classify and name various quadrilaterals based on their attributes.

Grade 1 - Grade 4

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    1. Symmetry

      Manipulatives Needed: Ruler or string Have students find all lines of symmetry on the quadrilaterals on the mat by placing a ruler (or string) on each shape in different ways...
      Grade 4
    2. Parallelo-what?

      Have students observe which shapes have parallel lines. Which have two sets? Which have none? Discuss that shapes with two sets of parallel sides are called parallelograms.
      Grade 4
    3. Make it

      Have students take turns jumping on different shapes on the mat while other students make the chosen shape with either their bodies or popsicle sticks.
      Grade 3, Grade 4
    4. Right Angles

      Manipulative Needed: Book Have students observe and point out which quadrilaterals have right angles. Use a book corner to see if they are correct. Discuss that the shapes with four...
      Grade 4
    5. Similarities

      Have students observe all of the different shapes on the mat. Ask what they have in common. Explain that closed polygons with four sides are all called quadrilaterals.
      Grade 3, Grade 4
    6. Shaping Up

      Manipulative Needed: Popsicle Sticks Have students use popsicle sticks to add other shapes to the ones on the mat to make new shapes and images. E.g. A student might add...
      Grade 1