Confusing Letter Hop

Learn to recognize the differences between confusing letters! This floor mat reinforces the sounds and distinctive shapes of each letter. Includesu, n, w, m, b, d, p, q

Prek - Grade 1

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    1. Hop the Pictures

      Have the student begin on START HERE. Have them jump on each picture while saying the name of the picture. Be sure the student says the name of the picture...
      PreK, Kindergarten, Grade 1
    2. Hop the Letter Name

      Have the student begin on START HERE. Have them jump on each letter while saying the name of the letter. Be sure the student says the name of the letter...
      PreK, Kindergarten, Grade 1
    3. Hop the Letter Sound

      Have the student begin on START HERE. Have them jump on each letter while saying the sound of the letter. Be sure the student says the sound of the letter...
      PreK, Kindergarten, Grade 1
    4. The Letter Hop

      Have the student begin on START HERE. Jump on the letter ‘b’ and say, “b, ball, bbb, bbb, bbb.” Then, continue to jump to each of the letters, saying the...
      PreK, Kindergarten, Grade 1
    5. Bean Bag Decides

      Have the student toss a bean bag on the mat. Have them jump on the mat up to the bean bag, pick up the bean bag, and say the name...
      PreK, Kindergarten, Grade 1
    6. Letter Match

      Use the letter cards provided on the following pages or create your own cards that have the letters u, n, w, m, b, d, p, and q. Make five cards...
      PreK, Kindergarten, Grade 1
    7. Letter Trace

      Use the ‘Trace the Word’ worksheet found on the following pages. Have students crouch down on the mat and trace each letter with two fingers. After they trace on the...
      PreK, Kindergarten, Grade 1
    8. Think of a Word

      Have the student jump on the first letter, ‘u.’ Then, have them come up with a word that starts with ‘u.’ (That isn’t umbrella!) Continue down the mat.
      PreK, Kindergarten, Grade 1