Connect the Dots

The Connect The Dots materials allow students to create shapes, count squares, and engage in creating number patterns. The Connect the Dots mat and Connect the Dots sticker are laminated for dry erase, which will allow students to draw various shapes. Activities can be done with either the mat or the sticker.

PreK - Grade 5

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    1. Game of Connect the Dots

      Have two students each get a different colored dry erase marker (Please make sure it is a dry erase marker only). The object of the game is to complete more...
      Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
    2. Make Shapes

      Have students get a dry erase marker. Give each student a different shape to make by connecting dots with a line. Ask students to make the following shapes: square, triangle,...
      PreK, Kindergarten, Grade 1
    3. Finding Area

      Using a dry erase marker, draw a square or rectangle on the mat by connecting the dots. Students will then draw the inside squares to represent the area. Count the...
      Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
    4. Finding Perimeter

      Using a dry erase marker, draw a square or rectangle on the mat by connecting the dots. Students will then count the amount of dots around the shape to determine...
      Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
    5. Follow the Leader

      This is an activity to get students up and moving around. Have students get in a line. The student at the front will jump from one dot to another all...
      PreK, Kindergarten, Grade 1
    6. Count the Dots

      Have students hop through the mat counting the dots as they jump on them. Ensure that they do not get ahead of themselves, and encourage students to start over if...
      PreK, Kindergarten
    7. Make Groups

      Have students get a dry erase marker and stand next to the mat. Give them a certain number, and have them circle that many dots to make a group of...
      PreK, Kindergarten, Grade 1

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