Dinosaur Hop

Learn the names of different types of dinosaurs using this fun mat! Dinosaurs include T-Rex, Velociraptor, Allosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Triceratops, and Spinosaurus.

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    1. Mystery Dinosaur

      Give clues and have the students find the mystery dinosaur on the mat. Clues could include Appearance letters in the names the meaning of the name how many letters the...
      PreK, Kindergarten
    2. Alphabetical Order

      Have students jump on each dinosaur in alphabetical order.
      Grade 2, Grade 3
    3. Letters

      Have the students jump down the mat as they say the first letter of each dinosaur's name.
      PreK, Kindergarten
    4. What am I?

      Have students jump down the mat as they pronounce the names of each dinosaur they land on.
      PreK, Kindergarten
    5. Say My Name

      Have students jump down the mat as they pronounce the names of each dinosaur they land on.
      PreK, Kindergarten
    6. Jumping Practice

      Have students practice their motor skills by jumping down the mat one square at a time. Add a challenge by having them toss a bean bag onto the mat and...
      PreK, Kindergarten