Exponent Hop

This is the Exponent Hop mat. The mat has ten spaces showing x with an exponent from 0 to 9 and the break down of each. It teaches students what exponents mean.

Grade 5 - Grade 6

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    1. Jump on the Exponent

      Have the student start on START HERE. The student will first jump on the block x^0 and say, โ€œx to the zero power.โ€ Then, hop to the right and say,...
      Grade 5, Grade 6
    2. Clap the Exponent

      Have students clap the exponent. For example, as they hop on the x^5 block, they will clap five times as they say, โ€œx times x times x times x times...
      Grade 6
    3. Bean Bag Toss

      Write numbers 0-9 on flashcards (or whatever numbers you are working up to). Hand the first student a card. They will toss the bean bag on the mat and jump...
      Grade 6
    4. Highest Number Wins

      The student will roll a die to determine their base number. Then, they will throw a bean bag on a space on the mat blindfolded (or eyes covered) and solve...
      Grade 6
    5. Lowest Number Wins

      The same rules as โ€œHighest Number Wins,โ€ except the lowest total at the end wins.
      Grade 6
    6. Whatโ€™s Missing?

      Place sheets of paper over blocks on the mat, for example, all left columns, all right columns, or mismatched. Have students use the exponent cards found in the following pages...
      Grade 6
    7. Race to the Exponent

      Cover up the right side of the mat. Call out an equation such as x times x times x. Have two students race to the matching exponent on the mat....
      Grade 6
    8. Break it Down

      Cover up the left side of the mat. Call out an exponent such as x to the 5th. Have two students race to the matching exponent on the mat. Repeat...
      Grade 6
    9. Write an Equation

      Have the student throw a bean bag onto a square and then roll a dice to decide the base number and make a story problem using the equation the bean...
      Grade 6

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