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Fraction, Decimal, and Percentage Hop (halves / fourths)

This is the Fraction, Decimal, and Percentage Hop floor mat. This mat provides visual cues to the relationships between fractional parts of whole numbers, particularly halves and fourths. These parts include negative numbers, fraction, decimal, and percent comparisons. Each whole number grouping is colored differently to visually emphasize the grouping. Additionally, each fraction and related percentage and decimal is accompanied by a visualization of that fraction, decimal, and percentage in relation to the whole, with that fraction colored black.

Grade 3 - Grade 6

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    1. Matching

      Write all of the percentages/fractions/decimals from the mat on note cards. Cover up all of the examples of one type of number, such as all of the percentages, all of...
      Grade 6
    2. Equivalence

      Cover up all of the examples of one type of number, such as all of the percentages, all of the decimals, or all of the fractions on each block of...
      Grade 6
    3. Percentage

      Use this mat to help students understand the relationships of fractions, decimals, and percentages. Sample Questions: What is equivalent to 350%? What fraction?_____________ What decimal?________________ What is equivalent to 250%?...
      Grade 6
    4. Adding and Subtracting Positive and Negative Fractions

      Important: Have students face the positive numbers when adding and the negative numbers when subtracting, and make a 180 degree turn for each negative sign (not including the first number...
      Grade 6
    5. Clipboard Math

      Clip a math worksheet on a clipboard. Have your student figure out the answers to the fraction problems by walking or jumping on the mat.
      Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
    6. Problem Interpretation

      Students will read a problem from a worksheet or flashcard. Have them reinterpret it, solve it, and then hop to that answer on the mat. Examples: ยฝ x 2 =...
      Grade 4, Grade 5
    7. Bean Bag Division

      Follow the same instructions as Bean Bag Addition and Subtraction, but instead of adding or subtracting, have students divide.
      Grade 5
    8. Bean Bag Multiplication

      Follow the same instructions as Bean Bag Addition and Subtraction, but instead of adding or subtracting, have students multiply.
      Grade 5
    9. Bean Bag Addition and Subtraction

      Have a student toss two bean bags onto the mat. Then, have the student add or subtract the numbers. To make this activity easier, make sure they toss the bean...
      Grade 4, Grade 5
    10. Equivalent Fraction Hop

      Have a student select a fraction and stand on it. Then, have the student hop on all of its equivalent fractions. The activity should go on until the student has...
      Grade 4

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