Homophone Hops

These are the Homophone Hops. They help students quickly learn the difference between tricky words and their definitions by seeing them paired side by side and by hopping across the mat. Each row is composed of a pair of tricky homophones with a space below them for note cards, which students can create that use the homophones in a sentence or provides examples or definitions.

Hop A: cell / sell, break / brake, blue / blew, beat / beet, ate / eight, alter / altar, aloud / allowed, ad / add
Hop B: hall / haul, hair / hare, groan / grown, great / grate, for / four, flu / flew, flour / flower, deer / dear
Hop C: knot / not, knight / night, knew / new, it’s / its, in / inn, hour / our, heard / herd, hear / here
Hop D: plane / plain, pare / pair, pale / pail, one / won, meat / meet, made / maid, lead / led, know / no
Hop E: seam / seem, sea / see, sail / sale, rose / rows, right / write, read / reed, read / red, prince / prints
Hop F: waist / waste, wail / whale, toe / tow, tea / tee, tale / tail, stair / stare, son / sun, some / sum
Hop G: your / you’re, you / yew, who’s / whose, which / witch, we’ll / wheel, weather / whether, weak / week, wait / weight

Grade 2 - Grade 3

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    1. Make a Story

      Have several students choose a homophone on the mat and stand on it. (One from each pair) Have the student closest to the start begin a story with a sentence...
      Grade 2, Grade 3
    2. Bean Bag Race

      Have a student toss a bean bag onto the mat. The rest of the students try to land their own bean bags on the homophone to the original one. When...
      Grade 2, Grade 3