Homophone Hopscotch

This is the Homophone Hopscotch floor mat. This mat is designed like a typical hopscotch path, with common homophones paired in groups of three. The purpose of the mat is to help students learn and understand commonly confused homophones.

buy, by, bye
cent, scent, sent
or, ore, oar
rain, reign, rein
rode, rowed, road
sew, so, sow
there, they’re, their
to, too, two

Grade 2 - Grade 4

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    1. Make a Story

      Have several students choose a homophone on the mat and stand on it. (One from each group) Have the student closest to the start begin a story with a sentence...
      Grade 2, Grade 3
    2. Bean Bag Race

      Have a student toss a bean bag onto the mat. The rest of the students try to land their own bean bags on a homophone to the original one. When...
      Grade 2, Grade 3
    3. Homophone Hop

      Have students take turns hopscotching down the mat and calling out the words as they land on each.
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    4. Crawl and Trace

      Have students crouch down on their knees on the floor mat. Starting with the word buy,’ have a student trace each letter of the word with two fingers while spelling...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    5. What’s the Meaning?

      Have students begin on START. As they jump on each word, have them give the meaning of each question word.
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    6. Sentence Hop

      Have students toss a bean bag onto the mat then hop down to where it landed. Have them spell the selected homophone and use it in a sentence.
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    7. Which Word?

      Give your student a sentence using one of the homophones on the mat. Have a student jump to the correct word used. E.g. I buy bread at the store. “Buy”
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    8. Match the Description

      Explain (or have another student explain) the meaning of a word. Then, have the student hopscotch to the word that is being described.
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4