Hop by Tens

The Hop by Tens Floor Mat and Sticker include the multiples of ten through one hundred in numeral form for building number literacy skills as students hop across the mat. They are designed as a number line on which students can hop to identify, add, or subtract multiples of 10.

Activities can be done with the Hop by Tens Floor Mat or Hop by Tens Floor Sticker.

Grade 1 - Grade 3


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    1. Hop by Tens

      Have your student begin on START HERE. Have them hop on the 10 and say โ€œten,โ€ hop on the 20 and say โ€œtwenty.โ€ Continue to the end of the mat....
      Grade 1
    2. Hop by Tens – Backwards

      Have your student start above the 100. Have them hop on the 100 and say โ€œone hundred,โ€ hop on the 90 and say โ€œninety.โ€ Continue to the end of the...
      Grade 1
    3. Matching Objects and Numbers

      Have your students match the numbers on the mat with that same number of objects. Place ten objects on the number 10. Place twenty objects on the number 20. Place...
      Grade 1
    4. Adding and Subtracting by Tens

      Write +10, +20, -30 (etc.) on index cards and place them in a pile or in a box. Have your student select a number on the mat to stand on....
      Grade 1, Grade 2
    5. Clipboard Math

      Clip a math worksheet on a clipboard. Have your students figure out the answers to the problems by walking or hopping on the mat. Then, have them record the answers...
      Grade 1, Grade 2
    6. Hopscotch the Numbers

      Have your student begin on START HERE. Have your student say โ€œtenโ€ while hopping with one foot on the 10. Then, have your student jump with two feet on the...
      Grade 1, Grade 2
    7. Bean Bag Decides

      Have a student throw a bean bag on the mat. Have them hop to the bean bag, alternating between one and two-footed hops. When they reach the bean bag, have...
      Grade 1, Grade 2
    8. Rounding

      Have students take turns rolling two dice. Have them use the numbers rolled to make a two-digit number where one die represents the tens and the other represents the ones....
      Grade 3
    9. Dividing by 10

      Have a student toss a bean bag to a number on the mat. Have them jump to the bean bag. Then, have them divide that number by 10. To help...
      Grade 2, Grade 3

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