Measurement Hop

This large mat teaches the breakdown of inches, feet, and yards as students jump through the tiles.

Kindergarten - Grade 3


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    1. How Tall Are You?

      Have students lie on the mat next to each other two at a time to see who is taller. Measure them by inches. The taller one stays and the next...
    2. Measure Object Lengths

      Have students measure objects around the room. How big are they in feet? In inches? In yards? After measuring one object (e.g. a student’s foot) compare other objects to it...
      Grade 1
    3. Comparing Object Lengths

      After measuring random items, have students compare their sizes. Ask them to find the difference in inches, in yards, and in feet.
      Grade 2
    4. Bean Bag Toss Addition

      Have a student toss two bean bags on the same unit of measurement. Then, have the student add those measurements together.
      Grade 2
    5. Bean Bag Toss Subtraction

      Have a student toss two bean bags on the same unit of measurement. Then, have the student subtract those measurements.
      Grade 2
    6. Which One?

      Ask a student to identify an object in the room and, without actually getting the object, ask them which unit they would use to measure the chosen item. To check,...
      Grade 2
    7. Measure Twice

      Have the students choose an object from the room that can easily be placed on the mat. (e.g. a jacket). Have students measure it to the nearest inch. Then, have...
      Grade 2
    8. Guess the Length

      Have the students choose an object from the room and before placing it on the mat, make a game of guessing the length to the nearest inch, foot, or yard....
      Grade 2
    9. Converting Measurements

      Have a student begin on START. Have them hop down the inches. When they get to 12 inches, have them hop to the right and say, “12 inches equal one...
      Grade 2, Grade 3
    10. Conversions

      Now that students have experience with comparing units of measurement, give them worksheets or flashcards to practice converting from one unit to another. Example: 27 feet = _____ yards
      Grade 3

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