Money Hop

The purpose of the Money Hop floor mat is to offer a kinesthetic opportunity for children to practice learning the value of money, from one cent to ten dollars.

Grade 2 - Grade 3



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    1. Money Word Recognition

      Have students begin on START HERE. A student will jump on the word penny and say โ€œpenny.โ€ Then, jump on the word nickel and say โ€œnickel.โ€ Have them continue to...
      Grade 2
    2. Money Walk

      Have students begin on START HERE. A student will step on the penny and say โ€œpenny.โ€ Then, step on the nickel and say โ€œnickel.โ€ Have them continue to the end...
      Grade 2
    3. Money Hop

      Have students begin on START HERE. A student will hop on the 1ยข, say, โ€œone cent,โ€ then hop on the word penny and say, โ€œis equal to one penny*.โ€ Next,...
      Grade 2
    4. Match the Coins

      Place a 10 dollar bill, a five-dollar bill, a one-dollar bill, a half-dollar, a quarter, a dime, a nickel, and a penny in a box or on the floor. (You...
      Grade 2
    5. Money Multiplication

      This activity helps students practice multiplication. Have students begin on START HERE and follow this pattern: Hop on the word โ€˜pennyโ€™ and say, โ€œa penny is 1 cent. 1 x100=100.โ€...
      Grade 3
    6. Bean Bag Toss

      Have one student throw a bean bag on one of the words or pictures, penny, nickel, etc. For example, if the bean bag lands on the dime, all of the...
      Grade 2
    7. The Mad Hatter

      Glue pictures of coins and bills on 3 x 5 (or smaller) cards*. Place the cards into a large hat or box. Have students choose a card from the hat....
      Grade 2
    8. Wall Banner

      Hang the Money Hop on the wall as a constant visual reminder and reference of the value of coins and bills.
      Grade 2, Grade 3
    9. Clipboard Math

      For enjoyable math practice, clip a money worksheet on a clipboard. Have your child figure out the answers by stepping or hopping on the mat.
      Grade 2, Grade 3
    10. Make the Amount

      Give a student an amount, such as 23 cents. Have them jump on the coins on the mat that they would use to make 23 cents. For example, the student...
      Grade 3

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