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Number Grid (Positive Quadrant)

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    1. Create Composite Shapes

      Have students use the mat to outline different polygons and then combine them to make familiar objects. For example, putting a triangle and a square together to make a house.
      Grade 1
    2. Create and Compare Shapes

      Make different polygons on the mat. Have students compare and contrast the shapes based on the number of sides, corners, side length, etc. Have them then make their own shapes...
    3. Create Shapes

      Have students create different polygons using rulers, paper strips, or blocks as sides. Discuss the geometric characteristics of each shape made.
      Grade 3
    4. Graphing

      Using the data from the bar graph activity turn it into different kinds of graphs including line plots and picture graphs.
      Grade 3
    5. Bar Graph

      Poll the class on their favorite season. Have them use cards or strips of paper to make a bar graph on the mat. You can also have them draw a...
      Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5

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