Number Grid (Positive Quadrant)

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    1. Mystery Shape

      Create cards with shape characteristics on them such as names of polygons, or a number of sides or vertices. Have shapes that match the cards already created out on the...
      Grade 3
    2. Area

      Option 1: Place a rectangular shape down on the mat (that fits inside the squares). Have students calculate the area of the shape by counting the number of squares it...
      Grade 3
    3. Symmetrical Lines

      Have students create shapes on the mat with paper or blocks. Have them determine how many lines of symmetry the shapes have. Then, have them try it with different letters...
      Grade 4
    4. Experiment With Transformations In The Plane

      Have students make a shape on the mat and practice translations, reflections, and rotations with the shape. Then have them use two congruent shapes and translate/reflect/rotate as necessary to place...
      Grade 8
    5. Line Plots

      Have groups of students make line plots based on the measurements of various classroom objects, for example, lengths of students' pencils.
      Grade 4

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