Number Word

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    1. Mystery Number

      Tell the class that you are thinking of a number. Then, describe either the shape of the number or the letters in its name while the class guesses the number....
    2. Where Am I?

      Tell the class that you are thinking of a number. Then, describe the position of the number relative to other numbers on the mat. For example, โ€œThis number is above...
    3. Trace the Numbers

      Use the โ€˜Trace the Numberโ€™ worksheet found on the following pages. Have students crouch down on the mat and trace each numeral and/or number word with two fingers. After they...
    4. The Word Hop

      Have the student begin on START HERE. Have a student read the first word. Have the student jump on the word while simultaneously saying the word. Be sure that the...
    5. Word Hopscotch

      Have a student begin on START HERE. Have the student read the first word. Have your student hop on the word with one foot while simultaneously saying the word. Have...
    6. Bean Bag Decides

      Have a student toss a bean bag on the Number Word Hop. Be sure the bean bag lands on one word. Have the student jump to the bean bag alternating...
    7. Word Match

      Create word cards that match the words on the Number Word Hop (or print the words on the following pages). Put the words in a pile and mix up the...
    8. Word Clapper

      Follow the instructions for the โ€˜Word Matchโ€™ activity. Instead of shouting the word, the student jumps on the word that amount of times, saying the word and clapping simultaneously. For...
    9. Number Match

      Print the numeral cards found on the following pages (or create your own!). Have students match the numerals with their corresponding box on the floor mat. If you have plastic...
    10. Clipboard Word Fun

      Clip a worksheet that helps students learn the sight words to a clipboard. Have students hop on the mat to solve the worksheet. The worksheet could include words or numbers...

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