
 This material is a fun way to learn various kinds of operations and their names. 

Kindergarten - Grade 3



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    1. Jump Through the Mat

      Students should jump through the mat identifying the symbol shown, by saying the symbol name out loud as they jump.
      Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
    2. Identify the Symbol

      Write each symbol on the mat on notecards (or print the symbols below). Hold up one of the cards for a student. The student will identify the symbol and hop...
      Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2
    3. Word Problems

      Give your students a word problem (worksheet linked below). The students will identify which operation is mentioned in the word problem. The students will then jump on that symbol box...
      Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3
    4. Greater Than or Less Than

      Have students roll two dice one at a time. Have them compare the two numbers and jump on the mat to say if the first roll was greater than, less...
      Grade 1
    5. Bean Bag Toss

      A student will throw a bean bag on an operation box. The student will then come up with a number sentence that relates to that operation. For example, if the...
      Grade 3
    6. Number Sentence

      Create multiplication, addition, division, and subtraction number sentence cards. The students will jump on the operation they are using and answer the number sentence.
      Grade 3