Planet Hop

Our Planet Hop is a great way to introduce kids to outer space and what’s in our solar system. Planet Hop depicts and names all of the planets in our solar system, from the sun to Pluto.

Kindergarten - Grade 4

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    1. Categories

      Choose a category that multiple planets have in common and ask students to stand on all that exhibit the characteristic. E.g. Have an "N" in their name, look blue etc.
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    2. Superlatives

      Ask a student to jump to the biggest planet, smallest, that has the most colors etc.
      Kindergarten, Grade 1
    3. Planet Hopscotch

      Students will play hopscotch (alternating hopping off of both feet and one foot) up and down the mat while announcing each planet as they land on it.
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    4. Planet Memorization

      Challenge students to say the planets in order as they jump down the mat without looking at what planet they are hopping on. You can also cover up the name...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    5. Planet Order Hop

      Students jump down the mat announcing first, second, third, etc. as they go. Follow up by asking students what the fourth planet from the sun is (for example). They can...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    6. Orbits

      Have students begin on the Sun. Then, they will jump to Mercury and walk a small orbit around the Sun block. Then, they will jump to Venus and walk a...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    7. Planet Facts

      Have students hop to a planet of their choice and give a fact about that planet. Encourage students to use facts that haven’t been said by other students.
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    8. Hidden Planet Hop

      Place sticky notes or paper over the names of each of the planets. Have a student stand at the beginning of the mat. Tell the student to jump to a...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4
    9. Planet From the Sun

      Place sticky notes or paper over the names of each of the planets. Have a student stand at the beginning of the mat. Ask the student to hop to a...
      Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4