Punctuation Hop

This brightly colored mat allows students to learn the name of each punctuation mark and what it is used for. An example sentence is also included to help children see how to pick it out when they read and where it belongs when they write.

Grade 1 - Grade 3

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    1. Punctuation Jump

      Have students familiarize themselves with the mat by jumping around on it and reading whatever they land on. Do this once while just reading the name of the mark, then...
      Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3
    2. Jeopardy

      A student should jump around the mat from block to block until they are told to stop. When they are told to stop by a spectator but not look at...
      Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3
    3. Speaking The Mark Hop

      Students take turns tossing a bean bag onto the mat. Then have them make a sentence using that punctuation in it.
      Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3
    4. PIck my Mark

      Have students write sentences on cards leaving out the punctuation marks. Have the class trade sentences and take turns putting their cards on the mat on the punctuation that would...
      Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3
    5. Body Punctuation

      Call out a punctuation mark and have students take turns finding it on the mat and then making the mark with theiir bodies. (Could work in pairs.)
      Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3
    6. Types of Sentences

      When studying types of sentences, use this mat to reinforce what punctuation ends each kind of sentence. Name a type of sentence and have students take turns hopping to its...
      Grade 3