Skip Counting by 12s

The Skip Counting by 12s materials were designed to help students learn the multiples of twelve and practice
multiplying and dividing by nine.

The following activities can be used with the Skip Counting by 12s Floor Mat, Indoor Sticker, or Outdoor Sticker.

Grade 3 - Grade 6

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    1. Skip Count by 12s

      Have a student start on zero. Then, have them point out the pattern that the gold boxes with the feet follow. Explain to them that these boxes are showing the...
      Grade 3
    2. Multiplication

      Give a student a multiplication by twelve problem (verbally, flashcard, worksheet, etc.). Example: 12 x 6 The student will begin on 0. They will jump forward 6 times, only landing...
      Grade 3
    3. Division

      Give a student a division by twelve problem (verbally, flashcard, worksheet, etc.). Example: 36 ÷ 12 The student will begin on the first number of the problem, 36. Then, they...
      Grade 3
    4. Clipboard Math

      For enjoyable math practice, clip a multiplication and/or division by 12s worksheet on a clipboard. Have your students figure out the answers to the math problems by using the mat.
      Grade 3
    5. Bean Bag Baseball Game

      Divide your class into teams (the number of teams and the number of students on each team will depend on how many students you have). Place a bucket/basket at the...
      Grade 3, Grade 4
    6. Division with Remainders

      Give students a dividend that will have a remainder when divided by twelve. Have them find and stand on the dividend on the mat. Have them jump and count the...
      Grade 4, Grade 5
    7. Least Common Multiple

      Requires two different skip counting mats. Line up two skip counting mats. Tell students you will be comparing these two factors and finding least common multiples. Have one student on...
      Grade 6